Walk around the block with us


August 08, 2013



We know it's hard to imagine at the moment, when the air is heavy and the sun beats down relentlessly, but fall is on its way. And so many wonderful things come when fall comes. Curling up in a blanket around a blazing bonfire, dreaming up your best Halloween costume yet, indulging in a caramel apple or a mug of fresh apple cider—and our favorite, taking a walk around the block to fight AIDS in our community!

This year's Indiana AIDS Walk, A Walk Around the Block, is going to be the perfect gateway to fall for all you lovers of autumn colors and cool, crisp nights. A departure from its previous incarnation as an early-morning walk through Downtown Indianapolis, A Walk Around the Block features a leisurely stroll through the beautiful, historic Herron Morton Place Neighborhood on Saturday, September 28, from 4pm to 6pm. Last year, more than 1,000 people walked for the cause and raised $225,000 to fight HIV and AIDS right here in Indianapolis.

What else is there to do, you ask? We'll have entertainment, a wellness fair, a pet pit stop, awards and prizes, and of course, fun for the whole family. All proceeds benefit the Gregory R. Powers Direct Emergency Financial Assistance (DEFA) Fund. Grantees of the Indiana AIDS Fund, including us here at The Damien Center, use DEFA funds to provide emergency financial assistance and direct care for those throughout Indiana impacted by HIV/AIDS. Here at the Center, we use these dollars to provide bus passes, food for the pantry, medication assistance, client events, and mortgage/rent/utility/incidental assistance.

Want to take a walk around the block with us? It's easy peasy. You can join Team Damien, sign up as an individual, or make your own team by recruiting friends and family to walk with you. Can't be there on September 28? No problem. Make a donation to the event and know you're making an difference for the health of your city.